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The Comeback

The Comeback

I said it—it wouldn’t be a small come back, it would be a big comeback. In the world of live large events, there isn’t much room for small things. The scope and scale of what we do, by nature, is big. Think big, dream big, go big. You probably heard live entertainment...
Air Traffic Control

Air Traffic Control

A friend of mine is a pilot. He has told me some p-r-e-t-t-y amazing stories about flying airplanes. Early in his career he had to land a plane with one of its engines on fire. He makes flying in and out of the extreme cold of the far north sound easy. I’ve started...
Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

I have had some amazing mentors. I feel growth and learning are life-long endeavours, so I am by no means at the stage where I won’t look for people to emulate, seek out best practices, or try to find new, or better ways of doing things. I am, however, at the stage...
That First Day

That First Day

The first day of my first professional job I was both excited and terrified. I chose my outfit carefully – a pale green pencil skirt, and silk floral blouse. I am almost certain I wore pantyhose and black pumps. I was exhilarated as I walked through the front doors at...