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What We Do
Loud Mouth Communications Specializes in a variety of fields.


  • Customized sponsorship strategy
  • Partnership packages
  • Professional sponsorship negotiation
  • Sponsorship retention plans

Public Relations

  • Public relations strategy
  • Media releases/publicity materials
  • Media outreach
  • Media training
  • Interview booking and execution

Event Management

  • Event concepts and strategic planning
  • Professional event management
  • On-site event execution to the finest detail
  • Entertainment booking services

Promotions/Creative Strategy

  • Original creative concepts
  • Innovative and effective promotional concepts
  • Contest development and execution
  • Media/partnering

Experiential Marketing

  • Unique and experiential marketing concepts
  • Program development and strategy
  • Professional event team hiring services
  • Program execution and management


  • Feature articles
  • Print Copy
  • Radio & television scripts
  • Speech writing
  • Web copy


It is no secret that one of the fastest-growing segments of the marketing industry is sponsorship. We specialize matching companies with the right event properties to deliver highly effective interactive experiences, branding opportunities, experiential marketing programs and client hosting. There is no magic formula for sponsorship, so each deal is put together as a partnership, with careful consideration and with customized elements to deliver tangible results.

Public Relations

We admit it – we’re hardcore attention seekers and we love putting our desire to be in the spotlight to work for you. After working in media for many years, we know how the business works from the inside out, so we develop highly targeted and successful PR strategies that deliver results. It’s all about finding the right angle, and we specialize in getting it right every time!

Event Management

Our event process is unique because we approach each event organically. We don’t like to do the same thing twice, so we only develop original and truly customized event strategies. We look at the ever-changing world around us and draw on trends in fashion, music, television, movies and culture along with your objectives to create a one-of-a-kind event that is guaranteed to be fabulous and memorable.

Promotions/Creative Strategy

Much like our event management philosophy, we approach promotional and creative concepts the same way. Instead of churning out the same old same old, we like to live on the edge and shake things up a bit! Whether it is sending an army of brand ambassadors out onto the streets, or dangling people off of tall buildings to get attention, it is rewarding and invigorating to create a spectacle with our amazing ideas.

Experiential Marketing

Let’s face it – people are not the same as they used to be. We live in a fluid society where consumers get information from many non-traditional sources and whose purchasing decisions are influenced in different ways than they used to be. We believe that one of the most effective strategies for making positive brand impressions is to meet consumers face to face and create meaningful interactions. We enjoy finding unique and interesting ways to put people and products together.


There are not many people who share our love of words. We like the way they look on a page, how they sound and how it takes careful thought and consideration to put them together in just the right way to achieve a desired effect. We like the way they can evoke emotion, create interest and excitement and how they can spur people into action. We love to write so much it could almost be considered an addiction. Fortunately, our therapy is writing, so we won’t have to call Dr. Phil.

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